
emotional intelligence at work

what is it?
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emotional intelligence at work

assess current levels
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emotional intelligence at work

learn and experiment
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emotional intelligence at work

change behaviour to improve performance
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jjigsaw.com works with progressive organisations to develop emotional intelligence changing behaviour to maximise performance and improve results.

jjigsaw.com defines emotional intelligence in the workplace context as:

the ability to understand how emotions affect behaviour,
apply that understanding to different situations
choose how to respond to get the best result.

To succeed at work, no matter how smart or experienced we are, extensive research confirms we also need emotional intelligence.

With our considerable commercial and executive coaching experience, working with a wide range of organisations, we understand the impact high levels of emotional intelligence have on workplace performance. We therefore created jjigsaw.com to help individuals, leaders, teams and organisations develop their emotional intelligence, to benefit from the significant difference it makes

Working with leaders and teams using a validated psychometric assessment of business emotional intelligence, we provide insights, coaching and tools to understand, explore, develop and apply emotional intelligence at work.