How can help?

In our experience, the unique nature of organisations means that one size solutions rarely fit every scenario, leader or team.

At our preferred way of working is to discuss your current needs, future challenges and opportunities, and understand how we can work with you to improve performance.

We focus on four areas to:

Once we understand your specific requirements, we will develop a bespoke proposal which identifies your objectives and suggests solutions which typically include a number of the following activities:

  • explaining emotional intelligence at work
  • individual psychometric assessment of the components of emotional intelligence in the workplace
  • 1:1 feedback of assessment results
  • 1:1 development coaching
  • exploring fit with Goleman’s leadership styles
  • team psychometric assessment of emotional intelligence in the workplace
  • baselining the core drivers of team performance
  • exploring team dynamics
  • team development workshops
  • team coaching
  • measuring team performance improvements
  • assessing candidates to support recruitment

Components of emotional intelligence at work

Components of emotional intelligence at work

delivering the following outputs:

  • individual assessment reports measuring the components of emotional intelligence at work, benchmarked against different norm groups
  • team assessment reports
  • team business emotional intelligence maps for each component of emotional intelligence at work
  • practical tips for success
  • individual action plans
  • team action plan
  • candidate-specific recruitment reports and targeted interview questions