What people say about us…

Head Teacher & Chair of Regional Primary Heads Association – Education Sector

‘We wanted to say a big thank you.  We really enjoyed the sessions and it certainly gave us a chance to reflect and talk about the team and how we communicate. Thanks for your support, your questioning and expert guidance.

We are really excited about the ideas generated and potential next steps for maximising impact within the wider context. We feel it has brought the team closer together and look forward to continuing working with you and extending the experience with our wider team. ‘

Senior Leadership Team Member – Education Sector

‘The 1:1 feedback session enabled me to gain valuable insight into understanding myself much better. The questioning made me think about myself and investigate some areas I didn’t recognise in myself.’

Chair, Non-Exec Director & Entrepreneur Adviser

‘I’m delighted that Jane introduced me to jjigsaw’s emotional intelligence tool. User friendly and deeply insightful, it helped me fine tune my self-awareness as a leader, be more attuned to potential blindspots that could trip me up, as well as an appreciation of team dynamics to help enable sustained outcomes, which are both enjoyable and effective.

Add to that, Jane is a superb Executive Coach. She has an unwavering ability to ask timely, thought-provoking questions while leaving space for self-evaluation, which combine to catalyse game changing shifts in perspective. The outcomes are both profound and practical.’

CEO – Charity sector

‘Thank you so much Jane for helping me work through some pretty tough issues that were causing me great difficulty. I have made good progress on all three (and other) fronts owing directly to your support.

I thoroughly enjoyed our sessions, and am grateful for your encouragement, sensitivity and positivity. I feel significantly more comfortable dealing with other challenges (as they mount up around me!) and your impact on my thinking and methods will no doubt bear fruit for the organisation for a while into the future’

Divisional Director – Environmental Services sector

‘Jane is the ultimate professional. Having the opportunity to work with Jane as a coach has been fantastic in terms of being able to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses as well as specific stress points at some critical times over the past 12 months as a new member of my company’s Executive Team and new leader of my rapidly growing department and client base.

Jane has enabled me to think about the reasoning behind decisions made. Our discussions have often helped me to develop my plans so I can think and articulate them clearly. Jane has listened with empathy and has been firm but very supportive in terms of helping me find the right path forward.’

Head of Organisational Effectiveness – Banking sector

‘Jane gets my highest recommendation as an Executive Coach. She helps me to work through culturally challenging Board level situations to create successful outcomes.

With her strong commercial background, HR and leadership experience, Jane asks the right questions to get to the core of the issue.  She challenges my thinking and most importantly, my actions. Jane helps me to look at problems in different ways and often provides a different perspective. Her coaching style is supportive and challenging.  She leads me to solid decisions.

Jane has played a significant role in contributing to the success I enjoy as a C-Suite Professional.’

Head of Events – Event Management sector

‘I had the pleasure of being professionally coached by Jane over an 8-month period. In this time I was going through one of the most challenging periods in my career.

By coaching a senior member of the business throughout key points, Jane was able to not only coach but offer guidance to enable me to stabilise the staff’s productivity and drive and increase performance. Jane was a brilliant coach; she went above and beyond to help me develop and flourish in situations where it was essential. Her coaching coupled with her HR background offered a great wealth of knowledge and support, I’ll forever be grateful.’